Your 5 Step Church Marketing Funnel

“I started working with Evan back about ten years ago. I quickly noticed how great he is at helping organizations reach their goals. When I started my own business a few years ago, Evan was the first person we hired to help us build the business.”
— Ryan Wakefield, Owner Church Marketing University
In a world that’s increasingly filled with noise, it’s never been more important to stand out from the hundreds of other messages your community hears every day.
Whether communicating with first-time guests or trusted church family, we know you are compelled to offer valuable content that leads to changed lives. That’s why we teamed up with our friend Ryan Wakefield at Church Marketing University to create this guide to building church marketing funnels.
What’s a marketing funnel you ask? It’s simply a strategic approach to communicating with your community in a way that builds trust and fosters a deeper sense of connection.
We firmly believe that good marketing changes everything. Our dream is to resource church leaders in the trenches just like you with marketing tools that work.

Slide one more trusted instrument into your communication toolbox.

“Evan did an amazing job of developing a customizable communications plan that worked for us. Evan is a professional, with broad expertise, and a strong, “down-to-earth” style, enabling him to develop an aggressive yet realistic approach that helped us broaden our reach and connect more effectively with our audience.”
— Tony Gilmore, Lakeview church
Can ministry and marketing mix?
So many pastors and church leaders struggle with the idea of doing marketing.
It can feel so foreign to the rest of the work we do as church leaders. Dare we say even taboo? The funny part is when we pause to think about it, every church is doing marketing whether they know it or not. Have a billboard on the highway? Sign out front? Bulletin in the lobby? It’s all marketing.
When done right, church marketing isn’t a combination of slimy tactics or manipulation. It’s a tool to help your team start new relationships.
Let’s set your church up with a marketing funnel. It will work in combination with everything else you’re already doing to start new relationships and deepen the ones you already have.

—Brian Kitchen Lead Pastor Meramac Heights Church